The Great Way
by Greg Schulze
Omaha. There it lay across the river. Looking across that river was like looking at another world. Katherine died there. That’s why James had traveled so far. No one else would come, not even her parents. Hell, James thought, they probably didn’t even know that she died.
James has traveled from Maryland to Omaha, the gateway to the western frontier, to seek answers about the death of the one he loved. Searching deep for answers, James finds that there is more going on than the simple death of a young woman. Encapsulated in the machination of men, James meets an Indian from his past who sets him along his Great Way.
Greg Schulze is from Shoreview, Minnesota, a suburb of St. Paul. He
graduated from Mounds View High School in 1989 and the University of
Minnesota, St. Paul campus with a degree in Forest Resources in 1993.
first novel, "The Great Way", took two years to complete. After reading
one too many novels that were too long, not interesting enough, and
stuffed with filler just to increase the novel's word count, he thought
that "I can do better" and decided to write a short novel. Believing
that every sentence should spark the reader's imagination or further the
plot of the story, Greg set ahead to write a novel inspired by the TV
show "Lost", the movie "Donnie Darko", and Kurt Vonnegut's
"Slaughterhouse 5". He called it "The Great Way" in which the
archetypical young man travels to a new land and discovers something
more about himself and his life, but in a different way that is new and
Greg is currently working on two more novels, each one
different than the other. The first not yet titled novel is a fictional
autobiography inspired by humorous and absurd writers such as Vonnegut.
The second is a fantasy novel titled "The Anarch", inspired by Greg's
thirty plus years of playing Dungeons & Dragons and the stories that
he shared with his friends and fellow players.
Greg lives in
Centerville, Minnesota with his wife of 8 years, Wendy, and his 7 year
old son Andrew, who promised to read "The Great Way" someday.