Friday, October 3, 2014

You and No Other by Jane Weiss and Bonnie Zahn

You and No Other

by Jane Weiss and Bonnie Zahn

A memoir by two new authors who 30 years ago found themselves in a new and unique relationship - with each other - though both were married and each had four children.

Learn about the journey that changed their lives in ways they never would have imagined.

They describe their joy of finding each other while navigating through the pain each experienced during the early years of their relationship.  Come to understand how two separate families learned to navigate the challenges that changed the lives of these women and their children. After 30 years, their relationship with each other and their eight children continue to grow.

In telling their story, Bonnie and Jane hope to show that same gender relationships are healthy, nurturing ones that provide strong family connections, support, and love. They see this book as a message of compassionate tolerance, respect, and equality - and a positive message for gay youth and their families.


Bonnie Zahn and Jane Weiss write with true honesty as they take you on a journey through personal revelations, family turmoil, societal reactions, and resolution of a decision neither imagined they would face in their adult years.

They enjoy the opportunity to talk with readers and anyone interested in their book.  If you would like to suggest a speaking engagement, book reading and signing, or book club discussion, please feel free to contact them directly at:


Book site:
Publisher: North Star Press

Amazon and Barnes & Noble