Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gift With Purchase - Elizabeth Mirabel Sain

Gift With Purchase

By Elizabeth Mirabel Sain

Augie Zackheim likes to look on the bright side of life. Even though he hasn’t seen the sun in years, the lights in his home at the ruined Mall of America no longer work, the weather is always below freezing, and there’s a constant hush all over the world. Still, he has a roof over his head, food on his plate, a gorgeous nurse he has to share with only one other guy, and a plan for the future. Oh, sure, work is kind of a drag, what with the constant pressure every day to bring home scavenged car batteries, and all that competition from the clan living on the other side of the Mall. His friends can’t understand why he’s an optimist, what with the shape the world is in as it marches in the direction of zero. But when a strange girl saves his life, and becomes the love of his life, he knows for certain that everything’s going to turn out right and the sun will shine again.

"If it will acquaint me with the ingenious, unforgettable characters who inhabit Gift With Purchase, the apocalypse is not to be dreaded. Sain shows us that hope, love and humor will flourish where nothing else can grow. Maybe I should listen the next time my daughter tells me it's fun to hang out at the Mall."
--Jim Greenfield, author of Between The Lines

Elizabeth Mirabel Sain was born in 1984 on a Montana cattle ranch, where she still lives. Following high school, she apprenticed to a Los Angeles fashion photographer, until the deaths of her parents in a highway accident brought her back home. She’s completing a photographic study of the Missouri Breaks, the place on earth she loves the most, and intends to publish her images of this bizarre wilderness as a coffee table book. Gift With Purchase is her first novel.